Sunday, October 16, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 8 - Just gonna stand there and watch me burn!

"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn!" Burn more and more fat. The main things and easiest thing you gotta do is more and more cardio. But please make sure your heart can take it. There are many cases where people die on treadmill. Do not have too much of own satisfaction by just looking at the number shown in the meter. Treadmill record usually isn't 100% correct.

So what I eat today?
Breakfast (9:30am) - It's good to wake up at 9am. Had a nice breakfast at 9:30am. 2 half-boiled eggs, 2 white bread (Opps, it is bad, 2 pieces of white bread has 1.5g of fat inside), 1 glass of 0% fat milk.

Lunch (12:30pm) - There are some articles said 6 packs with 6 meals a day. I found it's gonna be really busy if we eat 6 times a day. But it is really good. My lunch today: Kale vegetables fried with beef in oyster sauce and little rice.

Snacks or heavy snacks? (3pm) - I don't know how to describe this meal, it should be a heavy meal because I had 220g chicken breast prepared with microwave without any oil. The nutrition information inside 200g of chicken breast are:

  • 342 kcal Calories
  • 3.4g Carbohydrate
  • 53g Protein
  • 13g Fat
  • 0 Fibre
It is really good for a body who need ~190g of good protein like mine.

Dinner (7pm) - Tomyam soup noodle with 50g beef (lean meat is good all the time) and eggs. Have a little home-made bread with raisin and pork.

Super late supper (1am) - Somehow somewhat couldn't sleep and feel a little bit hungry. It is bad to leave our stomach empty and it is even more bad if eat too much or oily at night. 1 banana and 1 glass of milk is what I took. And off course I "Black out" after that.

Any workout today?
Yes, swim for ~50 minutes around 800m. Guess I burned 200 calories in the pool itself. Weight lifting for today? No! Purely Cardio work to burn more fat. When will become like this?

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