How I look today:
What I eat today:
Breakfast (11am)
- 2 half-boiled eggs (Only egg white without yolk) - ~7g Protein, ~35 Calories, 6g carbohydrate, 4-5g Fat. Egg yolk has more fat and calories, that is the reason why I don't eat.
- 1 Glass ~100ml 0% fat milk. - 8g Protein, 0g Fat.
- 2 pieces wholewheat bread 50g + a little strawberry jam - 6g Protein, 2g Fat.
Lunch (2pm)
- ~80g White rice - Yeah I know it is bad for six packs training... 4g Protein with some fat.
- 100g vegetables (cabbages, carrot, onion) fried with butter
- Tomyam soup - yes it is really lucky to stay in Thailand
- 80g of beef (fried) ~28g Protein - Frying is really bad and number 1 killer for abs, any idea what should I do to make the beef delicious with less oil other than grill? I would prefer an easy method without any major cook, I am a bad cooker.
Snacks (3pm)
- 1 glass of mix fruit juice. Conclusion: too much of sugar.
Snacks (4pm)
- 1 glass of 0% milk. 8g of Protein.
Dinner (6:30pm)
- Steak Salmon ~120g. Fry with a little butter, complete the meal with some salad and carrot. Total Protein intake ~30g.
3:50pm: 26 times Pull up. 9, 8, 5, 4. This is to train the back muscle or most commonly known as V-shape or Ving. 9, 8, 5, and 4 is already my maximum or to-failure. I've started pull up 2 weeks ago, I am only able to do 3 times pull-up when I just started.
12 small grip pull up. 8, 4.
4:10pm: I did an exercise for abdominal, Reverse Crunch, 15 repetition x 4 sets. By the way, I feel this is useless because the abs will not shown with a layer of fat there! No one wants fake abs. Go quality!
Conclusion for today:
Total Protein: ~100g. As mentioned above, 1.5 grams per pound of body weight is needed. Base on my current weight 57kg (125 lbs), my body roughly need 184g of protein. What I eat in today is just 54% of total of what I need. I still feel stomach is fit after had all these food today. Should cut down oil and fat food. Eat more high and good protein food. It still a long way to go.
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