Monday, October 24, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 17 - Break into even smaller meal

Today, I try to break all my meal into even smaller size.

Breakfast (9:45am): 2 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 2 crackers with 1 tablespoon peanut butter. Simple and nice.
Lunch (12:30pm): 1 piece of Salmon ~150g serve with salad vegetables.
Lunch 2 (2:30pm): 1 piece of grilled chicken breast

30 mins six pack exercises

Did this at 3:15pm. Just a little workout for the abs.
Plank: 60 secs, 45 secs, 45, secs, 45 secs.
Abs crunch: 25 x 4 sets. Last set imperfect.
Reverse crunch: 15 x 4 sets. Last set imperfect.

Snacks (4:15pm): 1 glass of banana milk shake
Dinner (6pm): 1 bowl of Japanese Ramen, 4 Japanese Shushi rice.
little pull-up (9:00pm): Did a little pull-up for fun. 13 times then 10 times. Able to perform 1 time more than yesterday (Day 16).
Snacks (9:30pm)

Thought of the day
Haven't thought of it.

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