Saturday, October 22, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 15 - Body change every seconds

As I showed the picture yesterday, my body change every seconds because I workout, I talk, I walk, I eat. Today, I woke up and my body seems back to the first picture I posted yesterday. Stomach flat and without prominent fat. Again, back to what I want to train to first make my body balance as mentioned in Day 12. I need focus on my chest (pectoralis), abs, forearm, and leg.

What I did today (4pm):
Cardio cardio and cardio to reduce the fat in my body as much as I can.
37 minutes on treadmill, 227 calories burned, distance 3.74km. A little bit more than what I did in Day 12.
Bench Press: 150lbs (68kg), 15 reps x 4 sets. Set 2 I did 160lbs (72.5kg).
Flat Fly: 25 lbs (11.33kg) each hand. 15 reps x 4 sets. Add 5 lbs since Day 12.
Squat: Planned to do but din't do.
Sit-up: I din't do any sit-up because I still fell my body fat is too much, it seems pointless to do sit-up because I don't want to have a fat 6 packs.
Reverse Crunch: same with sit-up

My Chest (Pectoralis) workout progress:

Day 10
Day 12
Day 15
I only did flat bench press and flat fly. No incline or decline press yet because the seat I used is not adjustable.

My usual important food:
I build my body in natural way, so this is what I usually consume. I was thinking do I need some extra supplements? Do I really need it?

My meals today
Breakfast (10:10am) - Had my breakfast at world's most balance time. 2 large eggs, 1 bananas, 1 soy milk, and 2 pieces of crackers with 1 tablespoon peanut butter.
Lunch (1:10pm) - Exactly after 3 hours. Asian delight! Rice with lots of vegetables and main dish is 150g beef in oyster sauce.
Snacks (3:10pm) - 1 glass of soy milk, 2 crackers with 1 tablespoon peanut butter.
Dinner (6:10pm) - As I keep wondering why my stomach become BIG at night, I tried to push my dinner earlier and try not to eat any hard food after that. Yes our body takes 4 hours to digest, but I believe after we sleep the food will become fat if our body no longer move. Thus I try to eat early today.
Snacks (7pm) - 1 banana and 1 glass of 0% fat milk.

Thought of the day
Clear your mind, forget everything you learn before, and back to the most simple life.

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