Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 4 - Started Abs exercise

As I observe my stomach is no longer that BIG (but still consider fat), I started to do a little exercise for abs. Generally, most of the people know that upper abs exercise is Sit-up, and lower abs is reverse crunch. This is the most basic. Other than that, you can focus more on your core muscle, squat with a barbell is best known for the best core training. Off course, there are even more types of exercises you can do for your abs. Once again, loss fat is far more important than training. You and me don't want a fat and firm stomach, or a stomach with the line that separate and look like 6 packs, right? I want six pack, but is real six packs, not "six fats".

Breakfast (10am)
2 half-boiled eggs, 1 glass of 0% fat milk, and 1 Apple. First bite for Steve Jobs, the rest of the bite for my six pack abs.

Lunch (1pm)
I tried to make every meal on time, and on quality. What I had for lunch? 20g of rice, 120g of Beef (knuckle part), lots of vegetables, 50-70g of tofu, and an egg. Beef is a good food for our body. When you choose any kind of good meat for your body, you have to go for lean meat. Fat meat will not give you any advantages. "Eat only food that bring benefits to your body".

Snacks (3pm)
You can really get hungry pretty quick if you did the right workout. Banana milk shake is what I had for snacks today. There are many types of powerful drinks. You can use blender to blend it. The advantages of blending it is easy to absorb, and faster to finish it. There are only two types of people who are working hard to the fit world.
  1. Slim people who want to fit. Blend or shake is really good for slim people. Slim people usually because their body has not enough vitamins, protein, and many other things like fiber, dietary fiber. Another reason is they hate food, they eat slow, they can't swallow, they don't really like to eat quality food. Thus, blend all the vitamins and things your body need into one glass, and drink it in 1 minute will helps alot.
  2. Fat people who want fit. Fat people love food too much, they lose control when see food. They need to eat a lot in order to get full and often, eat lots of extra oily and fat food. Thus, blend all the things into one glass, drink it in and let the body full so that no fat food is needed.
A cheap blender cost less than $50 dollars, treat it as one of the investment for your body. Need no ask how to get a six pack.

Heavy Meal (5pm)
200g Salmon. Fried with butter. How to make a nice Salmon? Fried each side around 5 minutes. Not to use strong heat. It takes about 20 minutes to cook. Right after it cook, cover the salmon and let it rest for about 5 minutes. That is the best time to eat.

Dinner (7:30pm)
A very simple soup noodle with fish balls.

Snacks (10:30pm)
A glass of milk.

Six pack abdominals training for today (11:30am):
Sit-up: 25, 15, 15. Total 55 times.
Squat: I don't have barbell, so I use curl bar here. Only did 10kg + 3kg curl bar weight. 10 times x 4 sets. Total 40 times. What? Exhausted.
Reverse Crunch: 15 x 2. Only 30 times. Very bad result. No energy because I did squat before reverse crunch and my lower body part seems exhausted.

Six pack abs - what kind of six pack you want?
A. Nice six pack abs
B. Perfect six pack abs
C. Incredible six pack abs
Yes C. C is the answer. And what is incredible six pack abs? This is it! This is the body that almost close to 0 fat. "I want six pack, but what is my body fat?"

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