Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 67 - Boost my meal

I did eat like a lady in the pass few ten days. Today, I decided to eat more, eat more, and EAT MORE. At least I have to put in 500g of meat or more in a day because my body is ectomorph as explain in day 63.

Here is what I had today:
First meal: 4 cooked egg white. 1 glass of 0% fat milk.
Second meal: 360g Chicken drumstick. Try my best to remove all the fat and grill it with tomato.
Third meal: ~350g of fish steamed with Chinese herbal serve with white rice.
Fourth meal: ~80g beef fried with oyster sauce and kale vegetables.

I believe if u put 1kg of food in your body, your weight will directly grow 1kg. That's why our body weight is fluctuate from time to time. In the morning my waist is 28.5 inches and at night it is 29.5 inches. 1 inch of food goes into my body today:)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 65 - A day with clearer mind

Fitness is all about body, the method should be correct but the mind should be clear. It not just to train the body but also develop our mind.

Wake up 12pm. yes it is bad but heavy work lately.
First meal (12:30pm): A glass of soy milk, 2 half boiled egg white, 1 pc of wholewheat bread.
Second meal (3pm): 150g of chicken breast fried with vegetables (Chinese style) and rice.
Third meal (5:30pm): 100g of chicken breast with Tomyam soup + rice.
Fourth meal (9pm): Fish balls, fish, meat noodles.
Fifth meal (10:30pm): 150g of King fish steam and rice.

Today I did a very little workout at 2pm. Here is what I did:
10 mins on treadmil
3 mins rest
15 mins abs workout (crunch, reverse crunch, sit-ups)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 63 - Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph

Today is a day to take rest and also a day to learn more. I came across three important words in fitness, "Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph". It's like any other car racer, when you start the race, you must know where is the ending. Again I asked myself, what would I like to be? These three words also explain the question I always keep in mind, "Will I look good in a suit or tuxedo?"

Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph
Image is by Dr. John Berardi.

Now first talk about Ectomorph, I think I am Ectomorph. It is the small-size body type, small bone structure, fast metabolism, long and thin limbs, or in traditional words, skinny. According to, "Ecto’s need a huge amount of calories in order to gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. Ectomorphs should eat before bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Generally, ectomorphs can lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them." In these 63 days, I find these sentence is pretty true. However, I believe Ectomorph is able to gain high definition muscle but the muscle is gonna look small. Take the Malaysian number 1 badminton player Lee Chong Wei for example, here is how his body look like. Small muscle, high definition, and also what a number 1 badminton player need, flexibility.
However, you don't see all his strength when he put his shirt on.
Ok, about image, that is up to how you wear the cloths. Now the most important is, how I want the body to be? To be like Lee Chong Wei? or to be like another Ectomorph and also King of Kung Fu, Bruce Lee? There are many great athelete on the planet is actually ectomorph, which they emphasize on flexibility and strength.

Well, Mesomorph is born for body building, they have great bone structure and easily to gain or lose weight. Arnold is one of the Mesomorph.

Typically fat people.

These are good lesson. Now here is how I look today. Picture was taken yesterday in gym room.
It took me 63 days to reach only this, that is Ectomorph, a body type that hard to gain muscle weight but it doesn't means can't gain. I did not take any supplements (yet). When you don't give up, you can't fail.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 59 - Change my workout time

I changed my workout time. The reason why is workout after 6pm is not ideal. From now on I tried not to workout late. This is because I can eat a lot before or after workout, and if workout at night, you have to eat a lot to repair the muscle but you can't eat a lot because it is night time and you going to bed soon.

Today's workout:
15 mins on treadmill
Bench Press - Today I decrease the weight to 170lbs but I did 2 sets x 20 reps. Try to confuse my muscle a little.
Squat (20kg), 7 times x 2 sets. My leg muscle is very weak.
Lateral Raise, 10lbs (decrease from 15lbs). 12 reps x 2 sets.

Breakfast - 4 super large egg white. 1 glass soy milk, 2 pcs of wholewheat bread with peanut butter and strawberry jam.
Lunch - 100+g beef with broccoli, potato.
Dinner - Seafood

I had lots of fruit throughout the day and I do not have any Snacks today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 56 - Back to business

I did not update this blog every day now as I have more and more work to do. My training did affect a little but it goes on.

What I did today:
10 mins treadmill
5 mins rest
10 mins Bench Press. Now I increase the weight to 180lbs (81.64 kg). Perform 15, 15, 15, and 10. The last set not able to complete.
5 mins Lateral Raise. 15lbs (6.8 kg). 10 x 2 sets.

10 mins Flat Fly. 25lbs. 15 x 2 sets and 7 for the last.
4 sets of abs crunch x 30 repetition.
Pull-up: Able to perform one time 18 times complete pull up. Still got 32 times to go.

What I eat?
Breakfast - 2 eggs white, 2 pcs of wholewheat bread with peanut butter.
Lunch - ~160g King Fish steam with Teow Chew style. Really Really delicious. King Fish is one very good fish for our health. Here is how King Fish look like:
I do have some other vegetables, potato as lunch.
Dinner (6:15pm) - 150g of beef with vegetables in oyster sauce.
Snacks - 2 pcs of wholewheat bread with peanut butter and strawberry jam, 1 glass of soy milk. I also had banana, papaya, tomato and some other fruits throughout the day.

That is for today, here is how I look now:

Thought of the day
It seems my body fat stays around 17% for quite some times since Day 20+. I may have to look at my meals, meal time, as well as my workout. I think the hardest part is you have to eat more while you have to eat less. More for the body muscle and less for the fat. Keep going.

Six packs challenge: Day 53

26 November 2011, this is how I look like now:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 51 - The challenge goes on

The six packs abs challenge goes on. I had a beef noodle at 12am midnight last night due to some extra work to do and sleep 3pm. The routine change a little but I tried to pull it back. Wake up at 12pm today. It is the latest in these 51 days.

First meal (12:15pm): 1 glass of milk, 1 banana, 2 pcs of wholewheat bread.
8 Mins abs workout (2:30pm): I did it better, however I still can't recover my abs in 30 seconds to perform another 2 sets of abs workout. Therefore it took me around 1-2 mins for recovery. Now I feel it doesn't hurt my abs at all and I find more information from Youtube, I found there are 8 mins abs workout level 2, level 3, and level 4. Which means, I still have to contribute many many sweat to reach my aim.

Here is 8 Mins abs workout level 2. Walau eh~~~~ (Malaysian and Singaporean expression)