Sunday, October 30, 2011

Six packs challenge: Day 24 - My workout seems din't workout

It seems no improvement at all since Day 15 until today. I started to question is my workout din't workout? Or I should change my meal plan? Or I should work out more on each part of muscle? Am I on the right track but need more time? Or the improvement is too little to be seen with eye?

Breakfast (10:30am): Same thing
Lunch (12:30pm): Asian delight - ~50g beef, kale, carrot, tuna fish, 1 fried egg, fish balls, meat balls, and a little brown rice mixed with white rice.
Snacks (2:30pm): Banana milkshake.

1 hour six pack abs workout (4:15pm)

  • ~15 mins on treadmill. Burned 106 calories, 1.74 km.
  • ~5 mins rest
  • ~10 mins. Sit-up: 25 x 4 sets
  • ~10 mins. Bench Press: 170lbs (77.11kg) 15 x 3 sets, then 10 last set. Tried to do another set but fail.
  • ~10 mins. Flat Fly: 25lbs (11.33kg), 15, 15, 10, 10. Total 4 sets.
  • ~5 mins. Reverse Crunch: 25 x 2 sets.
  • ~5 mins. Pull-up: 10, 8.
Dinner (6:45pm): ~150g chicken, vegetables, raw carrot, soup, meat balls, fish balls, very little rice.

What about me now?
Stomach is still feel "round round". This picture was taken after breakfast. I was weigh at 54.4kg.

Thought of the day
When I Google for six pack exercise, six packs meals, six packs training, incredible abs, abs workout... There are many things come out. I believe all kind of knowledge lead to self-knowledge. Let's say one article wrote "To have six packs, you must sit-up 100 times a day for 100 days". They may not wrong, but there are many factors. Body fat, what kind of food to eat, this and that. I believe should everyone should have an own workout and food schedule based on body fat. A person with 30+% sit-up 100 times a day may just waste his or her time. For example.
16% Body fat - what to do? More on cardio, eat food with low fat or without fat.
13% Body fat - what to do? More on cardio, start a little workout, eat only food that benefits your body.
11% body fat - what to do? what should do?
8% body fat - what is the best to do?

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